WATCH: Unmasked Woman in KL Washes Hand by Pouring Water on It in An LRT Train



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WATCH: Unmasked Woman in KL Washes Hand by Pouring Water on It in An LRT Train

By MJC97

Recently, RapidKL Customer Service’s Twitter account @AskRapidKL posted a video on a woman not wearing mask in an LRT train who takes out a bottle of water from her bag and proceeds to wash her hands by pouring water on them in the train. 

You can see in the video; the water just flows all over the train floor once she’s done.  

You can see the reflection on the window of some other passengers staring at her in shock and confusion. 

This was written in the caption section: We never upgraded our train to be a hand washing place. We hope you do not imitate this action/deed and hope that all passengers are more responsible and ethical when boarding the train.  

Many netizens responded to the video sharing their thoughts about the situation, some even said that they recognize the woman in the video.

Here’s some of their reactions:

The video currently has over 52k views, 1687 Retweets and a lot of comments. 

The moral of the story is to follow the advice written in the caption and use the public transportation services provided by the government ethically and responsibly. 

Here’s the video:

RapidKL Unmasked Woman lrt train twitter


Just another human, trying to survive.



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