After bringing about over 170,000 deaths around the world, you may think there’s nothing more terrifying the COVID-19 virus could do to us.
But, no.
2 doctors in China have been recovering from the disease after battling the virus for 39 days since February. It is said that their condition was so critical that they were unconscious while receiving treatment. However, it became a shock to them as they woke up to see their skin turned black.
Photo source: The Science Times
According to Free Malaysia Today, it is possible that a particular type of treatment that the 2 doctors have been undergoing is responsible for the change in their skin color. However, it could also be the result of hormonal imbalances due to liver complications caused by the virus.
The two doctors are now receiving mental health treatments after being traumatized by what had happened.
Cover photo: The Science Times || Aljazeera