Ever Had A Disturbing Dream? What Your Nightmare Is Trying To Tell You:



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Ever Had A Disturbing Dream? What Your Nightmare Is Trying To Tell You:

By Ayunie

Everyone has had experiences in having recurring nightmares, and not really knowing how to interpret said dreams. 


From a psychological point of view, dreams are fairly easy to decode in the sense that there's an infinite string that connects reality with the unconscious realm— in short, they're relatively connected. Here are five common nightmares that may mean differently than you might think: 

1. If you've dreamed about your teeth falling out: 


Dreaming about losing your teeth can indicate anxieties involving self-image issues. You may often worry about how others perceive you and the roots of this disquietude could be many things: fear of rejection, low self-esteem and overall lack of confidence.

2. If You've dreamed about being chased: 


Dreams like this often reflects the reality you're facing— that you're most likely running away from something that's currently weighing heavy on your mind, or something you're trying so much to avoid. Pay attention to what's chasing you: it could be the manifestation of your own fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy, etc. There's a reason why they transform into a threatening figure in your dreams. 

3. If you've dreamed about being in an out-of-control vehicle: 


Much like the car in your dream, you may be feeling like you're losing direction in life which invites the feeling of anxiety to invest itself in your dreams. You may be in the process of finding a new job, just finishing school and not knowing what to do next, etc.

4. If you've dreamed about falling:


Another manifestation of anxiety, falling in a dream means that you're dealing with some heavy subject that almost shuts your systems down, and this is your brain's unconscious way of coping. However, if you're dreaming about falling and enjoying it, it could mean that you're currently rejoicing in the positive changes happening in your life at the moment.

5. If you've dreamed about a deceased person:


Although this can commonly be interpreted as grief processing, on a deeper level such dreams can also be translated as difficulty in letting some things go. It could be a deteriorating relationship, a long-time friendship falling apart, not being able to get over past wounds, etc. 

In conclusion, your dream realms are interconnected with your conscious thoughts, respectively. What you're avoiding in your wake will, without fail, manifest itself in your dreams. If you're one to avoid conflict by ignoring it, you probably have nightmares often. 

Nightmares spooky dreams meanings interpretations uconscious thoughts Symbolism


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