A recent viral video circulating online, initially shared by Mynewshub, captures a troubling altercation at the PUSPAKOM Vehicle Inspection Center in Taman Daya, Johor Bahru. The incident, which occurred on November 18, 2024, at 5:40 PM, involved a customer physically assaulting a PUSPAKOM staff member after his truck failed inspection.
The victim, a 38-year-old staff member, reported the incident to the Johor Bahru Selatan Police. According to Assistant Commissioner Raub Selamat, the suspect, a 59-year-old local man, reacted aggressively by slapping the staff member following the failed inspection.
On January 16, 2025, Johor Bahru Selatan IPD Police received the viral video of the altercation. The case is currently being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code for intentionally causing injury. If convicted, the suspect could face up to one year in prison, a fine of RM2,000, or both.
Raub assured the public that the Johor Bahru South Police is committed to maintaining public safety and will provide further updates as the investigation progresses.
Rakaman CCTV sorang pekerja Puspakom Johor Bahru kene lempang dengan pemandu lori...
— MYNEWSHUB (@mynewshub) January 16, 2025
Punca belum diketahui... pic.twitter.com/QzvLyH6Tyw
He also urged the public to refrain from sharing the video on social media to prevent misunderstandings or speculation that could interfere with the investigation.
Anyone with information about the incident is encouraged to contact Inspector Mohd Syahriezam Bin Shamri at 014-8028427.