WATCH: Netizens Infuriated Over Myvi Refusing To Make Way For An Ambulance Transporting A Patient From Penang To Perak



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WATCH: Netizens Infuriated Over Myvi Refusing To Make Way For An Ambulance Transporting A Patient From Penang To Perak

By storyteller24

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Videos of a motorist refusing to move aside so that an ambulance carrying a patient from Perak to Penang could pass have enraged internet users.

"My friend's father is ill," posted Hazwan Rosly, who recounted the story in the Sungai Dua Butterworth community Facebook page. He must be transferred from Perak to Pantai Hospital in Penang.

"While travelling on the North-South Motorway heading to Penang, there was a Myvi blocking the ambulance and refused to give way."

Commenters on the post were largely irritated by the Myvi driver.

According to user Arma Nizam, "Selfish. acting as though one is deaf or blind. Recall that it will eventually return to us.It will happen to our family, if not to us personally."

Ho Chea Khai, a user, stated, "He will taste the same medicine one day when his/her loved ones or himself/herself are in an ambulance."

On the other hand, user Daniel Danny suggested that the ambulance driver should use the emergency lane rather than the far right lane.

"It's okay to take video, but isn't the ambulance supposed to be in the emergency lane? It is advisable to use the emergency lane since the most right lane appears to be congested."

#goody #goodymy #goodykiran #GoodThingsMustShare #Malaysia #perak #penang #hospital #ambulance #medican #health #road #Transport #myvi #blocking #facebook #SocialMedia #viral #Trending #fyp #video #highway #emergency #lane


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