WATCH : Netizen Gets A Shock From Unlikely Simian Visitor



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WATCH : Netizen Gets A Shock From Unlikely Simian Visitor

By NickDorian

It's not uncommon that as we open our door to head out, we may be greeted by some animal visitors wanting to say hi. Whether it may be a friendly feline or perhaps a curious doggy, it's something that we have gotten used to. But sometimes, you may get a guest that you will never possibly expect.

Recently, this netizen got a massive surprise as when she opened her door to head out, a little cheeky simian seemed to be waiting outside her dormitory railing to say hello.

In this 11-second video, user @s4rohh caught the unexpected guest to be having a little bit of a rest. As much shock as she felt, this cute little monkey seemed to be just as surprised to see the netizen as it timidly looked at her while also having a little scratch while checking out its surroundings. Thankfully, the users shock seemed to subside as she even manage to ask the animal "what's your name?"

It's a situation that not a lot of us may experience, but thanks to this video, we're able to live vicariously through her eyes. But one thing is for certain, this monkey has truly taken the phrase "hanging out" to a whole new level.

monkey dormitory viral video tiktok


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