Mindful Mornings | Simple Things To Include For A Better Morning



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Mindful Mornings | Simple Things To Include For A Better Morning

By Jess07125

“Morning is an important time of day because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” – Lemony Snicket


Have you ever wondered how so many people are able to wake up feeling good in the morning? The morning is one of the most crucial times of the day because it is at this time that we have a chance to set the mood for the day ahead. Read on for some tips on how to have a better morning for yourself. 


1. Set The Right Mood And Intentions For The Day

Gratitude is a really important aspect of our lives. Take a few minutes in your morning to start your day with a grateful heart by listing down a few things that you are grateful for. 

It is also recommended to do some meditation after waking up. 2-5 minutes of meditation is good enough to clear your mind and set your intentions for the day. 

Some people may also opt to play some upbeat music in the morning. This can elevate your mood as you slowly getting ready for the day. 

You can also write a journal in the morning. Write down some positive affirmations for yourself, the goals that you would like to achieve throughout the day, your thoughts and as well as to-dos, to clear things off your mind.


2. Put Yourself Together

After you have set your mood and intentions, it is time to get up and get ready. 

The first thing is to make your bed. Like how Naval Admiral William McRaven, the commander of U.S. Special Operations said, “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another.”

Besides letting you be productive throughout the day, a well-made bed will give you a sense of relaxation and comfort when you get back at the end of a long day.

Next, go ahead and move on with your usual morning habits. Clean up yourself, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a shower. Also, don't forget your morning skincare routine. 

Make sure to get dressed and look presentable (even if you are just at home). You don't want to feel sluggish for the rest of the day in your pajamas. I'm not talking about wearing suits or any formal wear at home. But really, just dress up for yourself. Looking good makes you feel good, thus boosting your confidence for the day. A pro tip for this would be to choose your outfit the night before to save time in the morning.


3. Have A Healthy Breakfast

Before you head off to school or work, make sure your body is well-nourished and energized. Breakfast is an important meal for the day. It does not only provide your body with nutrition and energy, but it also enhances your brain function and keeps you in a good mood for the day.

Some of the recommended ingredients for breakfast would be oats, wholegrain breakfast cereals, fresh fruits, low-fat milk, and fresh fruit juices. Look up the net for plenty of delicious and healthy breakfast recipes that you can try out. 

A pro tip for this is that some breakfasts can be prepared the night before, which can save you a lot of time in the morning.


It's okay if you don't do all of these at once. You are not comparing your mornings to other people's. You are reading about this to try to make your own morning better. So it is okay to explore and see what works best for you. Keep in mind that everyone is their own unique self, thus everyone's needs in the morning are different. 

Have a great day by starting your morning great!

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