A heartbreaking tragedy unfolded in Soba Village, Kupang, last Tuesday, as a one-year-and-seven-month-old baby lost his life in a shocking domestic dispute.
According to Kupang Criminal Investigation Chief, AKP Yeni Setiono, the incident occurred during an argument between Deningsi Bano Beti, 27, and her husband, Kornalius Marion Bano, 25. The verbal altercation reportedly escalated when Deningsi, in a fit of rage, grabbed a machete with the intent of striking her husband.
"During the argument, the suspect brandished a machete, allegedly intending to harm her husband," AKP Yeni Setiono said. "Tragically, the machete struck the child she was holding, inflicting serious injuries."
The severely injured child was rushed to a hospital but, despite efforts to save him, succumbed to his injuries.
The suspect, Deningsi Bano Beti, has been taken into custody as authorities launch a full investigation into the incident.
"This is a deeply tragic case. We have arrested the suspect and are conducting a thorough investigation," AKP Yeni Setiono added.
Source: Sinar Harian