SHOCKING: 40-Year-Old Worker Tragically Killed In PD Resort During New Year's Fireworks Setup



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SHOCKING: 40-Year-Old Worker Tragically Killed In PD Resort During New Year's Fireworks Setup

By JustineG

As we all hoped for positive things in the new year, sadly, a tragedy has befallen a man, claiming his life. 

The 40-year-old, alongside his 39-year-old friend, worked for a fireworks installation company and had been tasked with setting up fireworks at a Port Dickson resort for the New Year's Eve celebration. 

While installation, the 40-year-old man was struck by fireworks that exploded on the resort parking lot's roof, leading to his demise due to severe facial injuries. 

His friend was promptly transported to Port Dickson Hospital for medical attention. Video footage and images capturing the fireworks explosion at the hotel have gained traction on social media since Monday.

The footage reveals the sudden detonation of fireworks, prompting several hotel staff members to flee for safety. 

As of now, the authorities are investigating the matter. 

malaysia viral news latest tragic Port Dickson new year's Celebration Fireworks resort killed tragedy


kill 'em with kindness



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