"He Recorded Me In The Shower!" Malaysians Share Their Worst Roommate Stories



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"He Recorded Me In The Shower!" Malaysians Share Their Worst Roommate Stories

By MJC97

Some people think that living with a roommate or housemate is better than living alone since your rent is split and you'll be paying less so you can save more money. But after living with certain roommates that turn your home into a living hell, you find out that you are more willing to pay all that extra money just sot hat you can have some peace. 

That's exactly what happened to these Malaysian, here are their horror stories of living with roommates or housemates that come straight from the depth of hell:

# Finaz, Perlis
"My roommate in uni was a SPOILT BRAT! She was so needy, clingy and she didn't know how to do anything for herself. If I didn't call her to eat, she wouldn't eat at all and when I asked her why she had not eaten, she'd say that it was because I didn't invite her to eat. Then she would guilt trip me by talking about how hungry she was. Once when the washing machine broke, I was handwashing all my clothes. She saw me doing that and just handed me her clothes and asked me to wash them for her. When I said no, she started crying and said that she doesn't know how to wash clothes by hand. Learn la, don't expect people to do it for you."

# Ella, Penang
"Warning, this is going to be disgusting. My roommate never threw away her pads for months. She had one rubbish bin for herself while I had one for myself. She would not wrap her pads in paper or anything, just roll them up and just chuck them in the bin. Some of them would unravel and her bloody pads will be opened in her rubbish bin. Then, she would just leave it there for months until our whole room was so smelly, even though I told her multiple times to throw it away. Eventually, I had to throw it away."

# Pei San, Perak
"I rented a room in a 5 bedroom house with some other roommates who were males and females. There was a couple who also rented one of the rooms there and I shared the bathroom with them. One weekend, the girlfriend of the couple went back to her family home for the weekend, leaving the boyfriend behind. While I was showering on that day, I noticed that their shampoo bottles were arranged in an odd way, I went to rearrange them when I saw a phone hidden carefully behind the shampoo bottles with just enough space for the camera to record a video of the shower area. It was the boyfriend's phone, and there was a full video of me showering on it. I grabbed the phone, my keys and my phone and rushed to my car to call my dad who took me to the police station to make a report."

# Nathan, Sabah
"When I was in university, I had a roommate who would always forget to flush the toilet after using it. I am sad to say that I have seen his poop in many different forms, from explosive diarrhoea to hung lumps of poop to even healthy shaped poop. He would always apologise when I brought it up and say he won't do it again. But then, the next time I go to the toilet, there's just more poop it in."

# Pooja, KL
"My roommate when I was in university was a huge partier, I don't mind it at all but she would come back at like 4 in the morning and make so much noise. She would blast music on her phone, keep walking in and out of the room and sometimes bring her friends to the room where they laughed a joked loudly. This all happened while I was sleeping so that I could wake up for class at 8am. I told her many times not to be noisy but she always denied making any noise. I had to live with that for 6 months."

# Dila, Melaka
"My housemate never washed the dishes or threw away her food after eating them. It would be in the sink for days or next to the sink until there's fungus growing in it and still she wouldn't throw it away. The whole kitchen was so smelly because of her fungus filled pots."

# Hui, Penang
"I shared the toilet with another girl in the unit and she would poop and leave stains all over the toilet bowl and even small chunks of poop on the floor of the toilet. I always had to be the one who would have to spray her poop chunks to the hole in the toilet and scrub the toilet bowl to remove all her poop stains. It was extremely disgusting and since my contract was for a year, I had to deal with it until the contract ended. 

# Nabila, Kelantan
"My housemate's room was full of cockroaches! She ate in her room and would leave the dishes on her study table overnight, sometimes even for 2 nights. I suspect that it was attracted to the food remains. One day, me and my other housemate played a game where we had to count the number of cockroaches that we see coming out of her room while we were studying in the hall for around 2 hours and it came to a total of 25 cockroaches."

# Yash, Melaka
"When I was in uni there was one toilet with two toilet bowls, two showers and one sink that all 8 of us shared. I still don't know who but there was someone or some people who would wash their plates in the sink and throw all the rice and vegetables and even meat in the sink until it got clogged! There were a few times when the sink was clogged where I found food thrown in the toilet bowl too. Eventually, even the toilet bowl got clogged and we all had to use the bathroom next to ours."

# Andrew, Johor
"I think my housemate was a sex addict because he would have sex at least 2 times a day with different girls and they would be extremely loud. There was one time when I was cooking in the kitchen and they came home and decided that it would be completely fine to have sex in the hall which is right next to the kitchen. I had to abandon my cooking and rush to my room to avoid seeing anything. When I confronted him about it later, he said it was because sometimes he liked to be watched. I moved out at the end of that month."

What's your worst roommate story? Share your experience in the comments section and be as detailed as possible! 

roommates Worst Roommate Malaysians Share Worst Roommate Stories nightmare Nightmare Roommate Worst Housemate Worst Housemate Stories


Just another human, trying to survive.



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