5 Ways to Make Dealing with a Toxic Family Easier



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5 Ways to Make Dealing with a Toxic Family Easier

By ellephant

As blessed and privileged as many of us are, there are also so many out there who unfortunately, aren't so lucky. From broken marriages, to broken homes and broken families, sometimes, life's just not fair. 


Far from understanding what that is truly like, based on Twitter page @reminderss4u, here are maybe 5 things to keep in mind, if you or anyone you know, comes from a less than perfect home. 

1. It's okay to walk away


If your family is toxic, and brings nothing more than pain, then know that it is perfectly fine to walk out on them. Family isn't bloodline, family should be the people who would stand by you, even when the whole world walks out. 

2. It's okay to draw the line


It's more than okay, it is necessary. No one should be made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe in any type of way. Being happy and at peace, should be your utmost priority, even if that means cutting people, who you would have never imagined to have cut off, out of your life. 

3. You don't always have to be the hero


During stormy days, you could feel like you owe it to yourself or to your family, to be a hero and save the day, but that's not needed. You shouldn't bear the baggage of dysfunctional people. 

4. You don't need to explain yourself


When you're posed with questions about you, or your family, or anything personal, you do not necessarily feel like answering, don't. You do not owe anyone an explanation about any of the problems you may, or may not be going through. 

5. You don't need approval


If your family wasn't there for you during your bad days, they shouldn't have a say about anything, during your best days. You do not need their approval to make healthy decisions for yourself. You are first and foremost, your own person. 

Of course, when all is said and done, it is easier said than done. Nevertheless, these are some important starting steps one could manifest, as means to a more peaceful future. 


Family toxic deal Handle hard problems


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