Winner Of Miss Asia Pageant Malaysia Caught In Bullying Controversies Upon Win



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Winner Of Miss Asia Pageant Malaysia Caught In Bullying Controversies Upon Win

By ellephant

Luwe Xin Hui may have won the Miss Asia Pageant Malaysia crown, but she be losing at life…

Based on reports, Luwe Xin Hui who was declared as ATV’s Miss Asia Pageant Malaysia 2023, has been called out to be a bully and her ‘victims’ are far from happy.  

Holding the title for less than a day, many have come forth alleging the beauty queen for bullying fellow classmates in the past.

Netizens who had known her from her school years in Malacca, gathered on the internet via comments, talking about how she had hurt them, made fun of them and never apologized.  

“I was a victim because my skin was darker (than others).”

“She once called me ‘black chicken’. She used this name to attack my appearance every time and got others to do the same to me.”  

“She called me the Egyptian Pharaoh because of my bangs. The verbal bullying did not happen only once, but every time I encountered her in school.”

“She would pour water on her classmates’ desks, encourage people to throw joss paper at Catholic classmates, stick paper to her classmate’s skirt by placing it on their chair and brought seniors to make fun of her classmate.”  

“When I glanced in her direction, I had to apologize, if not she would come to my class with her friends to cause trouble. She really is a drama queen who thinks the whole world revolves around her.”

Despite the support her fans have been showing her, many are still insistent she be punished (as they claim no action has been taken against her in the past), instead of allowing her the win and possibly a life of luxury.  

So far there has not been any comments from the Miss Asia Pageant Malaysia board or Luxe Xin Hui herself. For more updates on the story, stay tuned to Goody!

missasiapageant malaysia winner crown controversy bully scandal netizens


a writer of sorts



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