A scraps collector in Thailand returned home to a funeral of none other than his own, in what seemed to be a case of mistaken identity.
According to findings made by the Borrabue police, the still alive Phet had been gone scraps-collecting for several days, and was thought to have passed away due to extreme cold.
The authorities reportedly concluded their post-mortem on the body, and informed Phet’s family on his passing shortly after.
*Photo used for illustration purposes only*
His devastated family members proceeded to arrange for his funeral, and no suspicions were made during the period.
The real Phet, however, returned home in the midst of the ceremony, much to the horrified reactions from everyone.
Turned out, the deceased was an unknown individual that bore similar body features to Phet, the difference being that Phet has tatoo markings on his back.
The hasty post-mortem apparently raised doubts on the authorities’ credibilities, but Phet’s family was more relieved in his safe return.
Following the shocking incident, a blessing ceremony wishing for Phet’s good luck was done in place of the funeral instead.