5 economically important viral pathogens of poultry worldwide



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5 economically important viral pathogens of poultry worldwide

By daydreamingcat


Economic losses include expenditures for vaccination programs, monitoring assays, performance losses due to post-vaccination reactions

1. Avian influenza (AIV)

AIV cause severe infection with high mortality rates (50%), depending on pathogenicity of infecting strain. AIV has wild bird reservoir.

They may seem one way today but over time can change substantially due to ongoing mutations. AI outbreak in 2015 in the USA resulted in direct losses of USD $1.6 billion and a ripple effect worldwide, due to trade restrictions resulting from the outbreak.

Implementation of biosecurity measures, with OIE international standards, is key in securing the production sector and trade.

2. Infectious Bronchitis Virus

IBH is caused by a gamma coronavirus that affects the respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems of the chickens. The diagnosis of Infectious Bronchitis is one the challenges to control the disease, as the clinical signs in the respiratory system are common in other poultry diseases. Losses from IBV costly due to uneven growth, respiratory distress, high morbidity, secondary opportunistic respiratory infections. According to the World Bank (figure 1), it is ranked as the 2nd most costly poultry disease, after highly pathogenic avian influenza.


3. Newcastle disease

Newcastle Disease symptoms can be respiratory, nervous, intestinal symptoms for both clinical and subclinical infections. The mortality rates can reach up to 100% and usually happens between 21 and 28 days of age. The use of vaccines that are able to protect against challenges but induce extensive post-vaccination reactions and consequently losses in the processing plants can be harmful in an industry that operates with narrow profit margins


4. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus

IBD is an enzootic disease (the virus is resident in poultry houses). Very virulent form is predominant in most countries. The clinical signs basically present 3 different clinical forms: immunosuppressive, clinical and subclinical. Vaccination should protect chickens and prevention of challenges to control Gumboro dz. In a situation where 10% of the flocks has the subclinical infection, there will be a 10% decrease in feed conversion


5.Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus(ILV)

Highly contagious cause severe respiratory disease, and persists in infected birds for life. Due to latency ability. Vaccination against ILTV is not routinely carried out, as the live ILTV vaccine brings with it the risk of introducing the virus into the region. Previous outbreak was successfully controlled through the depopulation of all birds on the infected farm, disinfection and movement controls.


Dyspnea in broilers infected with ILV

economic disease deadly poultry


Love to daydreaming



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