Trio’s Korea Trip Goes Awry As They’re Turned Away At The Airport



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Trio’s Korea Trip Goes Awry As They’re Turned Away At The Airport

By DN21

Imagine spending months meticulously planning on a trip with your besties, only to be turned away as soon as you stepped foot in the country. 

For Hazwani Amira and her two friends, their recent trip to Korea quickly went downhill, right as they arrived at Incheon Airport. 


For the first time : Immigration at Korea ask us to go back. We cant enter Korea without any valid reason

bunyi asal - haa - haa

Despite having renewed their passports and showing all the necessary documents, the officer instead asked for her and her friend’s husband’s old passports, as proof of past travels.

After a quick deliberation, they were then led into a room for futher questioning, only to be left waiting for an answer for four hours! 

The officers’ verdict: “unprepared for traveling”. Feeling distressed, the trio tried to get assistance from the Malaysian Embassy, but the appeal was shut down by the immigration officers. They were instructed to board a flight back to Malaysia the very next day. 

The whole experience has left the trio shattered without a valid reason. But despite the frustration, Hazwani expressed her gratitude towards AirAsia for the smooth journey home. 

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