How To Spot A Gaslighter? | 11 SIGNS



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How To Spot A Gaslighter? | 11 SIGNS

By ellephant

So, if there's one thing manipulative people know how to do best, it is gaslighting.  

What is gaslighting you ask? Let us give you a simple definition to the term. Gaslighting basically means manipulating someone so much, to the extend they begin to doubt themselves. 

It is a rather toxic trait, and is one most people do not notice happening to them, until one day it just clicks. Just so you're in the know, here are some common phrases that gaslighters use, and most of the time, get away with.  

#1 You are overreacting. 

PSA: You're not. 

#2 That never happened, you're making things up. 

PSA: You're not. 

#3 You need to learn to communicate better. 

PSA: You don't.

#4 You can't take a joke. 

PSA: It's not a joke. 

#5 You are too sensitive. 

PSA: You're not.

#6 You are being paranoid. 

PSA: You're not.

#7 Stop imagining things. 

PSA: You're not. 

#8 You are overthinking things. 

PSA: You're not. 

#9 Stop being so dramatic.

PSA: You're not.

#10 Stop exaggerating things. 

PSA: You're not. 

#11 Just forget about it. 

PSA: Don't.

Sound familiar? If it does, then we're telling you, it's time.  

gaslighter gaslighting gaslight toxic manipulative person bad wrong phrases Sentence lines


a writer of sorts



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