On the 1st of June 2021, a resident at Taman Sentosa Jaya Selangor was viciously attacked after confronting a group of youngsters for speeding around in a car within the residential area.
It all started after the residents noticed a green Honda Civic roaming around the neighbourhood at a very high speed. As it is a residential area with families consisting of young kids, speeding around can be very dangerous and irresponsible.
After a few days of observing the car, one of the residents decided to stop the driver and make him aware of the dangers of speeding in residential areas.
The driver and 3 other passengers in the vehicle suddenly got out of the car and started to hit the resident. They even called a few of their friends who showed up within seconds on motorbikes.
A total of around 8 – 12 of them then proceeded to attack the resident who had confronted them earlier.
Some of the other residents witnessed the scene and immediately rushed to his aid. The attackers then got back in their vehicles and sped off, leaving the scene.
The speed limit for vehicles 35km/h in Malaysia. Residential areas are where people live, raise their families, and feel safe in the comforts of their homes. It isn't a highway.
Drivers must be responsible and follow the rules by driving under the legal speed limit so that you have enough time to stop if a child or pet runs into the street unexpectedly.