Personality Test | What Do Your ‘most-used’ Emojis Say About You?



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Personality Test | What Do Your ‘most-used’ Emojis Say About You?

By xweienx

Ever since the era of Internet messaging, people have been sending messages without limits. Gone are the days where we need to type everything in one long message to save cost. With that, there are also more fun and interactive ways to send messages - using tiny pictures called emojis.

Emojis are such a crucial part of our messaging lives nowadays, helping us convey our emotions and moods in ways that words simply cannot. In fact, they have gotten so popular that there is even a movie! But, did you know that the emojis you frequently use say something about you as a person?  

Look at the picture above and ponder for a little about which group of emojis do you use more often. Go on, take out your phone and check your messages or recently used emojis and see in which group they appear more. Ready?

Set A  

If you use more of these emojis, you're probably someone who is easy-going and gentle. Not only that, you communicate well with others, allowing them to feel your warmth through words and actions. You also get along with most people and they are usually happy to see you.

Set B  

As you can tell from the wide laughs, these emojis show that you are possibly more optimistic than others. You have a straightforward personality and is not afraid to hide it. You are proactive in getting things done and generally have command of the room.

Set C  

People who often use these emojis are a little more sensitive and delicate than others. You'll often feel a little more anxious when dealing people. It's also because of this that you will be more careful when talking to others and be more concerned about other people than yourself.

Set D  

If you use these emojis more, you're probably tired and weary of all the BS in the world. You feel less motivated to get up in the morning and prefer to work alone most of the time. However, it is also very likely that you have a hard shell on the outside towards others but is actually pretty soft on the inside.

Often times, we use emojis without even thinking twice. Hence, the emojis truly reflect what we are feeling throughout the day. So, do you emojis say something about you?

emoji personality


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