Want Whiter Teeth? 7 Life-Hacks to Get It



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Want Whiter Teeth? 7 Life-Hacks to Get It

By ellephant

Having stained teeth can often waver one‘s confidence, and leave people feeling embarrassed about how they look, especially when smiling. 

Whether it’s out with friends or on a date, we all long to have clean-looking, sparkling-white teeth even, if we had a choice. 


Well, the good news is that, we do. 

Forget expensive procedures, because there are actually a few home remedies you can try as a means to have whiter teeth. Not only are they cheap, but they as a matter of fact, genuinely give you better-looking teeth!

#1 Lemon & Baking Soda


Into a small bowl, squeeze some lemon juice, add in baking soda and mix. Use an appropriate amount for each, till a paste like texture is formed. Brush teeth with it, and leave on for at least a minute. Rinse, wait 15 minutes and then, proceed to brush teeth normally with toothpaste. Use only once a week. 

#2 Toothpaste, Salt & Lemon


Into a bowl, put half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little bit of toothpaste. Mix, then use your finger and rub all over your teeth. Leave it on for about a minute, and then rinse. Do method once or twice a week. 

#3 Lemon & Water


Into a bowl, put half a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of water. Use a cotton bud, and rub the mixture onto every tooth. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse, and brush your teeth with toothpaste normally. Can be done twice a week. 

#4 Apple Cider, Vinegar & Water


Into half a cup of water, put a little apple cider and vinegar. Stir, then gargle as mouth wash for about a minute. Do it daily before brushing your teeth. 

#5 Coconut Oil


Pour out a spoon of coconut oil into a cup, and gargle with it for about 10-15 minutes. Then proceed to brushing your teeth. This method can be applied from 4 to 7 days a week. 

#6 Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda, Toothpaste & Water


Into a cup, put a teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, a little bit of toothpaste, and a half teaspoon of water. Mix, and brush teeth with solution for about 2 minutes. Advised to use hydrogen peroxide which is 3% or under, and to do method once a week till desired results. Then limit to once a month. 

#7 Strawberry & Toothpaste


Into a bowl, put some toothpaste and pieces of strawberry. Squeeze and mix together until it’s paste like. Then brush your teeth with it as per normal. 

And there you have it, 7 home-methods you can try to attain whiter, much nicer-looking teeth!

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