Leaked! | JPN Data Of Malaysians Born Between 1979 - 1998 On Sale Right Now?



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Leaked! | JPN Data Of Malaysians Born Between 1979 - 1998 On Sale Right Now?

By m7py

If you were born between the year 1979 -1998, your personal information might be at risk here. 


A database kept by the National Registration Department (JPN) seems to be on sale for around 0.2 bitcoin, or RM35,000, according to an IT expert. 


The expert, Adnan Shukor shared more dirt about the seller offering the addresses, phone numbers & MyKad numbers online through the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN). 

LHDN is just one of the 10 government bodies on myIDENTITY, the platform where the JPN data is being leaked. 

Apparently, a total of 32GB of data in 19 files contain information of Malaysians aged 23 to 43, including photographs, race & religion. 


Shockingly -or not-, it isn't the first time the seller has been selling people's personal data. The same seller claimed to put up a database of the Election Commission for sale previously. 


Officials are currently investigating these claims. 

JPN personaldata personalprivacy database


Thank you for reading!



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