10 Must-Watch TED Talks (Part 1)



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10 Must-Watch TED Talks (Part 1)

By manmanlai

Are you feeling lack of motivation lately? Having low productivity in your career or study? Or feeling tired in managing your relationship?

Here are some motivational TED Talks that might help you to recharge and increase your productivity. Spend a little time watching it, and you will probably learn something new and beneficial to you in the long run.

1. The Skill of Self Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph

Self-confidence is the ability or belief to believe in yourself to accomplish any task despite the odds and difficulties. One of the key points is to keep on practicing, and the most important, do not accept failure. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting the light bulb, while J.K. Rowling's original 'Harry Potter' pitch was rejected 12 times. So, don’t worry if you fail once. Then, self-talk plays an important role in building self-confidence too. Positive self-talk helps to reaffirm ourselves and give us the belief and energy to keep going. 

Favorite line: "No one will believe in you, unless you do."

2. Inside The Mind of A Master Procrastinator - Tim Urban

Procrastination is the action of delaying or putting off tasks until the very last minute. Tim illustrates that other than a rational decision-maker, there is also another component named "Instant Gratification Monkey" inside a procrastinator's brain. Just like its name, the rational decision-maker will make decisions to do something productive. While the monkey doesn't like the plan as it only likes two things: easy and fun. He analyzes and explains the mind and behaviors of the procrastinators by using simple yet meaningful illustrations. Be aware of the sneaky monkey, find your goals and work them out.

Favorite line: "The frustration is not that they couldn't achieve their dreams, it's that they weren't even able to start chasing them."

3. A Better Way to Talk About Love - Mandy Len Catron

In love, we fall. We're struck, we're crushed, we swoon. Love is unpredictable, and love is creative. It requires communication and discipline, and it involves both joy and pain. There are some linguists who argue that metaphors do shape the way we experience the world, and they can even act as a guide for future actions. Therefore in this talk, Catron highlights a different metaphor for love that may help us find more joy and less suffering in it, especially for those who've ever felt crazy in love.

Favorite line: "The beautiful thing about the collaborative work of art is that it will not paint or draw or sculpt itself, but allows us to decide what it looks like."

4. How to Make Stress Your Friend - Kelly McGonigal

Basically, stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension that happens to everyone. Since when stress has been made into a public health enemy, it is claimed to cause sickness and increase the risk of everything from common cold to cardiovascular disease. However, there is new research suggests that the stress may only be harmful for you if you believe that to be the case. Therefore, a health psychologist – Kelly McGonigal is here to urge everyone to change their mind about stress to see it as a positive. Instead of trying to get rid of the stress, learn to make yourself better at stress instead.

Favorite line: "Go after what it is that creates meaning in your life and then trust yourself to handle the stress that follows."

5. The Power of Introverts - Susan Cain

Being introverted is different from being shy. Shyness is about fear of social judgement, while introversion is more about how you respond to stimulation like social stimulation. Actually, introverts feel at their most alive and at their most switched-on when they're in quieter, more low-key environments. However, in this world where being social and outgoing are prized above anything else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this talk, claiming that introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and they should be encouraged and celebrated. She's leading a social revolution to show people that looking inward is a virtue, not a problem.

Favorite line: "For introverts, I hope you will open up your suitcase occasionally for other people to see, because the world needs you and it needs the things you carry."

tedtalk motivational talks


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