Girls’ Private Parts are Inspected In Local School, Netizens Spill More Tea



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Girls’ Private Parts are Inspected In Local School, Netizens Spill More Tea

By m7py

The past week saw shocking revelations dropping in regarding a well-known local boarding school in Malaysia, MRSM.

 NGOs like AWAM, WOMEN:girls & SIS received information that religious teachers (ustazahs), -with the assistance of prefects- are conducting invasive physical spot checks among female students'.

In several incidents, the young ladies were instructed to dab tissue or cotton buds on their privates as proof of menstruation. Some are required to pull down their underwear to show their stained sanitary pads.

On top of that, a few teachers have turned to groping bottoms & groins in the name of inspection. 

Such "period spot checks" are said to be done to ensure female students are not faking their menstruation as an excuse to skip fasting. 

Conversations kicked off on Twitter with this quoted tweet below, "Are there still female teachers who inspect students' sanitary pad and privates for not fasting during Ramadhan due to menstruation?"

Soon, replies & quoted tweets flooded in from hundreds, with their (UN)fair share of first-hand account, involving many different schools. 

Celebrity sisters, Sharifah Aleya & Sharifah Amani chirped in too!

What the nations' educator aren't aware of is the trauma & humiliation of a lifetime being inflicted onto the young students.  How are students expected to feel safe & comfortable in schools anymore?

According to MARA, an internal investigation is being conducted on the allegations of sexual harassment & abuse. 
But, question: who'll stand up to thousands of other schools nationwide that are committing such violation of students' privacy? 

Hopefully, Malaysians will stand up against these unnecessary & unethical practices, together with the support of NGOs!

Hostel school girls Pad period local


Thank you for reading!



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