Life Lessons to Learn Now Rather Than Later



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Life Lessons to Learn Now Rather Than Later

By xweienx

Growing up is a constant battle between what you're learning and what you've learned. It doesn't matter how old you are right now, but your ability to learn is most likely going to better than the "you" in the future. Whether you're just a kid on your parent's phone, or a working adult frustrated in life, here are some things you should know about now rather than later in life.  

#Learn to Be Patient and Determined

The keywords for the 21st century? Change, fast-paced, anxiety. Look at other people's success and you might start to doubt what you're doing right now. Most people sacrifice traditional methods to try to look for the quickest way out but end up not achieving anything. 

Ask any successful people of age and they'll tell you that the biggest obstacle to success young people are facing now is their on impatience. Just hang in there a little longer, and you'll definitely be rewarded!  

#Breaking Old Molds

Imagine what happens to someone who doesn't break out of their old habits and lifestyle. After 1, 2, 10 years and they're still living as they would 10 years ago. Their ideas and mindset are the same as they were and so they continue to face the same obstacles and challenges as before.

Breaking old molds and ideas is not to say that everything you've heard and learned is wrong. It's a path to dig deeper, clarify, and understand better. Don't limit your growth by staying in a cocoon. Only by stepping out of your comfort zone, will you be able to grow.  

#Control Your Desires

Don't get tempted by instant gratification and short term gains! Between working and scrolling social media, or studying and sleeping, the latter is definitely much more enjoyable. However, you are sacrificing a future of self-improvement just for a few minutes or hours of enjoyment.

If you can learn to control your desires, give up on these short term enjoyments that are practically meaningless, and keep your eyes on the long term prize, then you're already way ahead in the race than many others. Just like with money, you'll always win in the long term so long as you invest your time properly.  

So, whichever industry you're in, whichever stage of life you're at, you should be able to apply these pointers in your life. If you have enough ambition, and enough determination to stick with these "rules", then success is never really that far away from you!

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