Singaporean Mother Receives 13-Months Jail Sentence For Whipping Son Over 100 Times With Belt



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Singaporean Mother Receives 13-Months Jail Sentence For Whipping Son Over 100 Times With Belt

By Dhiviya

In a heart-wrenching case that has stunned Singapore, a 32-year-old woman was sentenced to 13 months in jail after live footage of her viciously whipping her six-year-old son with a belt was shown in court. The graphic nature of the video was so intense that District Judge Carol Ling found it difficult to watch the entire incident unfold.

According to a report by CNA on August 17, 2023, the abuse occurred on May 11, 2020. The woman, living with her then-boyfriend, children, and relatives, became enraged when her son misbehaved in their bedroom. Overcome with anger, she punched him and ordered him to perform a handstand, a position the young boy struggled to maintain.

For the next ten minutes, the woman relentlessly beat her son more than 100 times with a belt, targeting his body and face. She also kicked and slapped him, ignoring his desperate pleas for the abuse to stop. The next day, she took her son to the neighborhood police center and falsely claimed that her boyfriend had beaten him.

A medical examination later revealed that the boy had sustained over 50 bruises and abrasions. The woman was visited by a doctor from the Institute of Mental Health and subsequently diagnosed with adjustment disorder with a depressed mood.

In 2023, the woman pleaded guilty to one count of ill-treating a child under the Children and Young Persons Act, as reported by CNA. A second charge, related to her lying to the police, was also considered in her sentencing.

On August 2, the courtroom was cleared of the public and media before the CCTV footage of the abuse was played. However, the boys agonized cries were still audible from outside, deeply disturbing those present. Judge Ling expressed her distress, stating it was hard to watch, and emphasized that excessive force and violence, even in the name of discipline, cannot be tolerated.

Despite the horrific nature of the incident, Judge Ling noted that it was an isolated event that did not result in permanent injuries and believed the woman showed remorse for her actions. The court also heard that the woman has since made efforts to repair her relationship with her son and is permitted supervised visits under the guidance of a child protection officer.

The woman's 13-month jail sentence is set to begin in September, bringing some measure of justice for her young son. This case serves as a stark reminder of the severe consequences of child abuse and the critical importance of protecting the welfare of vulnerable children.

Source: CNA 

Singapore mother jailed son Whipping


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