Missing Soldier Found After Being Missing For 17 Days



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Missing Soldier Found After Being Missing For 17 Days

By NickDorian

After going missing from a deployment as a security escort for the Sarawak department, Private Syafiq Hilmi Abd Halim has successfully been found after his sharp army training came into good use.

A member of the 7th Battalion Border Regiment stationed at Kem Kidurong, Bintulu, Sarawak, he had been conducting his escort detail along the Malaysia-Brunei border from 11th June until 2nd September, under the supervision of the 31st Border Brigade Headquarters. However, Syafiq had suddenly gone missing after his group leader reportedly was unable to locate him around noon on the 18th of June. Efforts to locate the missing soldier were immediately launched by the group but the search became unfruitful as they were unable to find him.

The next day on the 19th of June, the Malaysian Army (TDM) further intensified their search effort, which included the cooperation of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM), The Royal Brunei Armed Forces (ABDB) as well as other agencies coordinated by the National Security Council (MKN).

Thankfully, after a long 17 day search, Syafiq had been finally been discovered this morning at a forward operating base. Hungry and dehydrated, the solider had successfully traced the signs of a search route that had been placed around the search area, helping him locate the safety of the base. 

"He was found safe, complete with equipment and weapons, but weak due to hunger and dehydration, and Syafiqs family will be flown to Sarawak soon." TDM said in a statement today.

They went on to thank all the agencies that were involved in the search, including the Royal Malaysian Air Force, the police, the fire and rescue department, as well as the survey and mapping department. TDM has also mention that the involvement of the The Royal Brunei Armed Forces (ABDB) was a true symbol of the close bilateral ties between the two countries. 

"We also wish to express our profound gratitude to the Royal Brunei Armed Forces for the assistance and support provided throughout the SAR operation"

After this harrowing incident, the army has now confirmed that an investigation is underway to find out the cause of the incident so they are able to refine their SOP's to prevent any such events from occurring in the future.

(Source : Free Malaysia Today, The Sun)

Soldier sarawak Missing search Army TDM Brunei Syafiq Hilmi Abd Halim


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