Guava Fruit Tipped As The “Elixir Of Youth”: Everything You Need To Know About Its Benefits For Skin



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Guava Fruit Tipped As The “Elixir Of Youth”: Everything You Need To Know About Its Benefits For Skin

By DN21

When it comes to skincare, nature is a powerhouse that holds a myriad of sources filled with nutrients.

One such player is definitely the guava fruit. It’s said to contain four times the amount of vitamin C than in an orange, making it a powerful component to a bouncy skin.  
So, what makes guava the perfect skincare solution?

Packed with antioxidants A, B and C, the fruit helps to combat inflammation and hyperpigmentation.  
Think of it as a barrier that fights against premature aging or skin damage, the components in a guava do just that, regardless of your skin types.

Beside that, it also contains natural antibacterial properties that can inhibit the growth of acne. 

And because guava is native to the tropical climate, finding one isn’t hard due to its abundance. 

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