Calorie Check! Your Starbucks Drinks Are Ranked From Healthiest To Guilty-Pleasure



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Health & Fitness

Calorie Check! Your Starbucks Drinks Are Ranked From Healthiest To Guilty-Pleasure

By m7py

Starbucks is literally everyone's guilty pleasure! But, you'll want to enjoy a cuppa without minding what you see on the scale. Chill, because this guide ranks your favourite drinks based on the calorie count, from least to most. (For 24 oz. / Venti excluding Espresso*)

1. Cold Brew - 5 kcal
2. Cafe Americano - 15 kcal
3. *Espresso (3 oz.) - 20 kcal
4. Iced Shaken Lemon Ice - 70 kcal
5. Iced Caffe Latte - 180 kcal

6. Cappucino - 200 kcal
7. Hot Caffe Latte - 250 kcal
8. Cocoa Cappucino - 260 kcal

9. Espresso Frappucino - 290 kcal
10. Mango Passion - 310 kcal
11. Hot Caramel Macchiato - 310 kcal
12. Green Tea Latte - 320 kcal
13. Iced Caramel Macchiato - 350 kcal

14. Gingerbread Cream Frappucino - 390 kcal
15. Asian Dolce Latte - 420 kcal
16. Toffee Nut Frappucino - 420 kcal

17. Caffe Mocha - 450 kcal
18. Signature Chocolate - 450 kcal
19. Toffee Nut Crunch Latte - 467 kcal

20. Caramel Frappucino - 470 kcal
21. Dark Mocha Frappucino - 470 kcal
22. Gingerbread Latte - 470 kcal

23. Chocolate Cream Chip - 510 kcal
24. Mocha Cappucino - 520 kcal
25. Green Tea Frappucino - 530 kcal

26. Peppermint Mocha - 540 kcal
27. Caramel Chocolate - 550 kcal
28. Java Chip - 560 kcal
29. Hazelnut Chocolate - 600 kcal

Now, you can make smart drink selections that will leave the pounds off your waist! 

Starbucks Calorie guidelines best worst


Thank you for reading!



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