Everyday Blues | Here Are 10 Habits To Practice If You Want To Boost Your Mental Health



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Health & Fitness

Everyday Blues | Here Are 10 Habits To Practice If You Want To Boost Your Mental Health

By ellephant

A healthy mindset means a healthy body and a healthy heart as well. 

There are ample of ways to having a healthy mind, but here are 10 easy measures to opt for, just to keep yourself in check everyday. 

Scroll below and attempt to abide. 


1. Workout

As tiring as this could be, especially after a hard day's work, try and squeeze in an exercise routine into your day, at least a few times a week. This would increase dopamine levels, leaving you feeling all in all so much better. 

2. Sleep

It does sound least tempting when it's the only choice you've left with. But, a sufficient amount of sleep would ensure that we're able to tackle the next day right. 


3. People

Surround yourself with people you actually like to spend time with. When there is ample of positive energy to absorb, you'd always feel replenish and non-fatigued. 

4. Activities

Try out things which are new. Challenge yourself and do stuff which would keep you excited. This would increase dopamine levels, making you feel boosted instead of down in the dumps. 


5. Actions

Make the correct choices and do the right things. Having a good moral compass can indeed leave you feeling revitalized, especially mentally. 

6. Meditate

Take a deep breath, and lead yourself to a relaxed state of mind. Staying calm, collected and connected to the universe would also enhance your physical and emotional state. 


7. Hot showers

Hot showers stimulate serotonin in the brain. This is the hormone of happiness and wellbeing, so take one everyday to feel good. 

8. Eat healthy

Ensure that your diet is always balanced. Have a good amount of protein and carbs, but also the right amount of vitamins, mineral and fiber to match. 


9. Lessen screen time

For the sake of your mental and physical health, lessen using your phone before bed, or watching the tele. 

10. Sun exposure

Last but not least, let yourself be exposed to the sun when you wake up in the morning. This will awake your body clock, making you feel more ready to take on the day. 


habits practice boost mentalhealth healthy body mind spirit life advice


a writer of sorts



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