Selangor police have confirmed the deaths of four individuals who attended the Pinkfish Festival at Sunway Lagoons Surf Beach on New Year's Eve. According to Selangor police chief Hussein Omar Khan, the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) filed four police reports concerning the deaths, involving two men and two women aged between their 20s and 40s.
In a statement issued on the night of Jan 1, Hussein said, "Investigations found that all four of the deceased had attended the Pinkfish concert at Bandar Sunway, Subang Jaya, on Dec 31."
Post-mortem examinations were conducted earlier today, but the exact cause of death remains undetermined as authorities await laboratory test results. Hussein added, "Checks on the bodies of the four deceased found no signs of external injuries."
The case is currently classified as a sudden death investigation. However, Hussein stated that authorities are probing all possible angles, including the potential involvement of foul play or poisoning.
Police are also examining social media content related to the event, where the Pinkfish Festival was held at Sunway Lagoons Surf Beach on Dec 31.
Source: FMT