Passengers Review The Newest Budget Airline & It's Looking Good



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Passengers Review The Newest Budget Airline & It's Looking Good

By JustineG

In case you didn't know, there's a new low-cost airline in town, and it's far outperforming the others.

MyAirline launched its first flight in December and has been in operation since then. Passengers are pleased with the airline's service, particularly with the low fares.

That's an A+ right there since you'd expect them to live up to the term "low-cost" because that's what they sold themselves as, not the other way around.

They currently offer eight domestic flights from KLIA2 to Kota Kinabalu, Kota Bahru, Kuching, Langkawi, Miri, Penang, Sibu, and Tawau. There are no intercity flights yet, but if they add them in the future, we believe they might take the top spot in their airline category.

So far, passengers are loving the experience with comfortable seats, spacious legroom, punctuality, friendly staff, and even in-flight meals. 

However, like with every airline, there could be some future improvements to be made, such as their in-flight announcement. According to one passenger, the purser was flustered and made multiple errors throughout the announcement, making it look unprofessional. But, again, that's a minor issue, and I'm certain things will improve soon.

Aside from that, unlike its competitors, MyAirline's website does not appear to be user-friendly, particularly when browsing on a phone. It may appear to be a bit perplexing.

Another crucial point to mention is that the passenger also complained about the landing experience, which was to be anticipated from a low-cost airline. However, this is not the case.

Little do you know, whether a plane lands softly or hardly has nothing to do with whether it is a low-cost or full-service airline.

The wind is the most important aspect to consider before landing. The weather can usually be good, however, the wind might be gusty even after landing. According to an Airbus pilot, it can abruptly change direction or speed.

 Well, there you have it! So far, everything looks positive, but only time will tell if the airlines can sustain themselves in the long run.

MyAirline review passengers Budget Low Cost Airlines flight malaysia


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