Sometimes, we get too caught up in relationships or friendships, we forget to reassess if the people we'd go the distance for, actually respect what we share, or just us as individuals.
So many gaslight left and right, we become unable to differentiate the green flags from the red.
Here are 5 gaslighting phrases which should be forgone and 5 respectful phrases which should be used.
Check them out.
Phrase 1
Gaslighting: You're overreacting
Respectful: I understand how this is something which bothers you
Phrase 2
Gaslighting: I'm sorry you feel that way
Respectful: I'm sorry I made you feel that way
Phrase 3
Gaslighting: That is not what happened
Respectful: That is not how I saw it to be
Phrase 4
Gaslighting: Can't you take a joke?
Respectful: I actually meant it as a joke, I didn't mean to offend you
Phrase 5
Gaslighting: I guess I'm just a bad person
Respectful: What I did was wrong, and I'm sorry