Life Hack: Unbelievably Easy Way To Remove Stubborn Grease Stain In Tupperware



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Life Hack: Unbelievably Easy Way To Remove Stubborn Grease Stain In Tupperware

By Ayunie

If you're frequently on washing dishes duty, then you'd recognize oh so well the seething hatred we all share when we see grease-infested Tupperware or plastic containers that's almost impossible to clean. 

TW: Oily plastic containers  

Well, the much-dreaded chore of washing these gross and greasy Tupperware (works on any plastic containers too!) is about to get much easier with this little life-changing trick! Here's what you want to do:


1. Fold a paper towel until it fits in the Tupperware or any greasy plastic containers.

2. Add some water and dish soap.

3. Close the lid and give the container a good shake for a solid few minutes.

4. Stain is now gone!

Tiktok credit: @simplelifeehacks

Didn't know it was that easy, huh? 

Tupperware grease oil stubborn stain life hacks tips tricks tiktok


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