Vaccination Status Come April 2022 | All the Must-Knows



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Vaccination Status Come April 2022 | All the Must-Knows

By ellephant

With both interstate and international borders open, as well as the loosening on government-regulated SOPs, such as, 

1. Removed temperature checks

2. Businesses to resume operations past 12am 

3. No quarantine for close contacts with no symptoms 

so on and so forth, it would appear that nature is finally healing. 

Nevertheless, Covid-19 is still very much apart of our lives, and for vaccinated individuals, there will be MySejahtera status changes as of April 1st 2022. Based on the Ministry of Health Malaysia, they would be as below.  

Take note that everyone who has been vaccinated with Sinovac would need ALL 3 SHOTS in order to be classified as fully vaccinated, and senior citizens (60 and above) who received the Pfizer vaccine, would also need to receive their booster dose. 

These changes will take effect in the upcoming month, so do be sure to get vaccinated as soon as possible. 

vaccination vaccine covid19 Coronavirus april 2022 SOPs


a writer of sorts



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