Attention To All Parents | Preventive Measures For Children To Combat COVID-2019



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Attention To All Parents | Preventive Measures For Children To Combat COVID-2019

By Jada

The COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the world. Although most of the confirmed cases involved adults, protective measures for children should not be taken lightly. Here's a list of the 8 things that all parents should pay attention to and do not do this to their children.

1. Don't Go To Crowded Places

If you really need to go out, you must wear a mask and avoid going to densely populated areas.

It is recommended to go to open and ventilated places. Besides, it is better to reduce activities with large numbers of participants.

Try not to use public transportation, and if necessary, keep a distance of more than one meter from other people. Be sure to change your clothes and clean up when you go home.

2. Don't Hug Your Child Without Washing Your Hands

Parents must keep their hands clean before playing with or hugging them. As proven by the experiment of Jaralee Metcalf (a behavioral specialist from Idaho Falls Elementary School), hand-washing is more effective than using hand sanitizer. For more information, click here

3. Don't Wear Adult Masks On Children  

Children wear and remove masks in the same way as adults. However, children should use child-specific masks because adult masks are too large.

When children's masks can no longer be found in the market, parents can also make cloth masks that can be placed with filter materials. Children under one-year-old are not suitable for wearing masks; therefore, parents should try their best to take good care of them.

4. Avoid sneezing at your children

When coughing or sneezing, it is best to cover the nose and mouth with paper towels or your hands. After that, you should dispose of the used paper towels in a timely manner and wash your hands.

5. Don't Share Tableware With Children

When eating, parents should try to avoid sharing tableware with children.

When feeding, do not use your mouth to blow food. Besides, you should not try to feed or chew the food with your mouth to your child, because it is very unhygienic.

6. Don't Forget To Ventilate The Room Daily

Every room in the house should be ventilated 2 to 3 times a day with only 20 to 30 minutes each time. This could help to introduce fresh air into the room. When ventilating the room, try not to let the children stay in the room.

7. Don't Forget To Disinfect Items That Your Children Usually Come Into Contact

Parents must stop their children from putting things in their mouths.

Children's items, toys, and tableware should be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Many parents give their mobile phones and keys to children, so these items should be cleaned and disinfected as well. Currently, Samsung provides disinfection service for all brands of smartphones and this service is currently available in Malaysia. For more information, click here.

8. Don't Spread Rumors That Could Cause Anxiety

It is not necessary to always convey panic to children. Parents can communicate with family and friends to relieve stress.

In addition, parents should also pay attention to the authorized and true news, do not listen to rumors or pass rumors. During this outbreak, parents should maintain their normal and healthy lifestyle, and you must give your child more love and attention than usual.

Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic is a protracted battle, so no matter who you are, you should take good care of yourself and your child, just take adequate precautionary measures and increase alertness!

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