Stay At Home To-Do List! Try Finishing These in one MCO.



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Stay At Home To-Do List! Try Finishing These in one MCO.

By xweienx

Why is it that when everyone gets 24 hours a day, some let the days go by without getting anything done but some people seem to be able to do more with their lives? It all comes down to how you utilize that time.

After two MCOs, you'd think that we'll have been better at spending time at home, but we're most likely wrong. For this third (and hopefully, final) MCO, why not spend the time at home wisely by completing this Stay At Home To-Do List of 15 items? You might even be surprised by the overall improvements you'll find in your life!  

#1 Clean Your Room

Spring cleaning doesn't need to wait for spring, and it definitely doesn't need to wait for the beginning of the year. We're about halfway through the year now and your room is definitely in need of a good tidying up.

#2 Create A Short-Term Plan

Whether you're studying, working, or in the midst of a "transition", now's a good time to figure out your upcoming plans and goals. List down what you want to achieve in the next week, month, or year and how you'll get there.  

#3 Discover New YouTubers

Rather than binge on TV shows and movies, consider checking out some YouTubers that produce quality and informational content. It can be something that you are interested in like makeup or sports, or you might just discover something you didn't know you love.

#4 Learn to Declutter

Humans are born hoarders, and sometimes we just need to learn how to throw out the old and bad things. Throw out the clothes you don't wear or fit in anymore, throw out the junk in your storeroom you haven't seen for years, throw out the food in your fridge that has expired, and maybe delete the apps in your phone that you don't use anymore.  

#5 Learn A Skill

There are tons of skills that you can learn and practice at home. Smartphone photography, video editing, Photoshop are just some examples. Find out what resources you have and get onto YouTube to look for tutorials.

#6 Start An Exercise

Staying at home means you're not moving around, and that's bad. You don't need a whole workout regimen, protein shakes and a full set of sports attire. Start simple. Maybe a couple of sit ups and push ups a day, or start your yoga journey with some basic moves.  

#7 Read A Book

Reading books not only improves your vocabulary, they increase your knowledge and help shape your world view. The more you read, the better you'll get at expressing yourself, which will definitely help out in the future.

#8 Write A Diary

Whatever you want to write is up to you. Gone are the days where diaries are about writing what you did each day. Feeling angry? Scribble on a page until you feel better. Met a cute girl? Try to draw how you met (stick figures accepted). Heard a great song? Google the lyrics and copy them down. The only limit to what you can put into your diary is your imagination.  

#9 Learn About Personal Finance

It doesn't matter if you're close to retiring or have just entered soceity, personal finance is important to everyone. Learn to set up a budget, learn how to clear your debts, or just learn how to invest any extra money you have.

#10 Eat Better

Most people skip breakfast just to have an extra couple of minutes of sleep before they rush to work. Some even skip dinner while they work overtime. Staying at home or working from home is the perfect time to eat well. You have no excuses now to skip any meals. Even better, you'll be able to cook your meals for more health benefits.  

#11 Learn About Yourself

Finally, this is a good time to understand yourself better. Reflect on your busy life in the past and think about what are the things that made you happy or unhappy. This is also the time to try out new things if you haven't already know what are your hobbies and interest. Once you find that out, you might even be able to turn it into a passion that pays you a side income!

So, stop letting the MCO days go by without much meaning. Try to complete these 11 tasks in any order you like and you'll find this MCO plenty enriching.

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