Getting good shots for those who know exactly what to do in front of a camera can be relatively easy. It comes so naturally, and there are hardly ever bad photos.
Unfortunately, the bulk of us do not always look great in pictures, or at least do not possess the right amount of confidence to be satisfied with our shots. As means to help this group, this TikTok explains the top 4 poses one can try, especially if you're camera-shy/awkward.
They are mega-cute, check em out!
#1 Hold your mug and turn your face to the side for a chic look
#2 Put your coffee mug closer to the camera, shielding only half your face
#3 Use burst-shot, look down and walk
#4 Use 2x zoom for a detailed show of your ootd
Now, even if you're not as photogenic, you can trick the world into thinking you are, yippee!