Classic Taste | Here’s How To Make Really Refreshing Dragon Fruit Agar-agar



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Classic Taste | Here’s How To Make Really Refreshing Dragon Fruit Agar-agar

By Huan Lui

Dragon fruit is refreshing, and agar-agar is a perfect dessert on a hot day. When the two combine, your palate will get a blast!


Dragon fruit - 1

Agar - 1 pack

Evaporated milk - 750ml

Water - 750ml

Sugar - 1 cup  

Photo source: OpenRice Malaysia


1. Cut the dragon fruit into pieces

2. Heat up the water and add the agar

3. When the agar powder melts, add the evaporated milk and sugar, then the dragon fruit

4. Pour into prepared mold and chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours  

Photo source: OpenRice Malaysia

Even the seeds of the fruit are still visible, how mouth-watering can it be!

Recipe and photos from OpenRice Malaysia

food recipe dessert dragonfruit

Huan Lui

Aim the star to reach beyond the sky~



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