What‘s Going On in Myanmar and What We Can Do



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What‘s Going On in Myanmar and What We Can Do

By ellephant

A lot of buzz has been circling Myanmar in the past couple of weeks. But what is really going on? 


Before the 1st of February 2021, the country was just another democratic nation. But, in an election claimed fraud, the military staged a coup, detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi and took over the country.  

Since then, many events have transpired which have left the citizens of Myanmar enraged, afraid, broken and in need of dire help. 

#1 Protests


From students to civil servants, the refusal to accept military rule has resulted in numerous protests all over the country. With slogans and banners requesting a release of the country’s true leader, as well as to put a stop military domination, anti-coup protestors have filled up every street, in hopes to take back their country. 

#2 Internet Blackouts


Since the illegal coup, the military has also staged not one, not two, but three Internet blackouts throughout the country. In an attempt to cut off the citizens of Myanmar from the rest of the world, and a means to do the dirty without being watched. 

#3 Violence and Killing


Making matters all the more inhumane, is a series of violent acts and murder by the supposed "new rulers of the country". From the shooting and killing of a protestor, to releasing drugged prison inmates to set fires and poison the pipeline, unauthorized home raids of the Myanmar people in the dead of the night, and multiple arrests, it is evident that the situation has only since taken a turn for the worst. 

So how can we help? We can care enough to know about it and to talk about it. 

To have the masses be aware on what's happening in Myanmar, and spreading the news of their dire circumstances, will push bigger more powerful powers, to go the extra mile or put in more effort, into helping the country and its citizens. 


We can know their story, understand their plight and join in the fight. It is not much in the grand scheme of things, but social media can do a little, voices can do a little, standing in solidarity of the same cause can do a little, and you never know when that little, could end up doing a lot. 

myanmar coup Military Leader aungsansuukyi february 2021 Election fraud coupdetat Country takeover detained angry scared help protests internetblackout violence killing citizens spreadawareness talk fight biggerpowers solidarity care understand


a writer of sorts



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