Comedian Criticizes Indonesian TikToker For Frying & Eating Bat With His Indomie



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Comedian Criticizes Indonesian TikToker For Frying & Eating Bat With His Indomie

By ellephant

“What in the Wuhan is this recipe? Bro chill. We just got out of Covid, do you want to start another pandemic? Can you just be normal and eat chicken like everyone else?”

That’s how a Canadian comedian, Christian Giacobbe reacted to an Indonesian TikToker frying and eating a bat with his Indomie.

Known for his sarcastic humor, he question the TikToker for attempting to start another pandemic (referencing Covid-19’s rumoured origins).

His video quickly gained 1.2 million views, starting an entire debate on eating exotic animals. The stances were public health risks vs. cultural tradition practices.

What do you think?

Indonesia tiktok bat IndoMie covid


a writer of sorts



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