Tamagotchi-Inspired Smartwatch Requires Water & Oats To Function



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Tamagotchi-Inspired Smartwatch Requires Water & Oats To Function

By JustineG

For us, we have seen how modern technologies have involved in time. From laptops to smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, and more.

But one thing we never thought of is having a gadget that will solely depend on us in order to operate.


You're probably wondering what are we actually saying right now. Well, the scientists at the University of Chicago have created a smartwatch that actually operates as though it's a living organism. By that, we mean it actually contains slime mold (Physarum polycephalum).


As disgusting as it may sound, it's actually a smartwatch that was inspired by the popular Japanese toy that we've all had as kids the Tamagotchi.


The function is pretty much similar to where you would keep feeding the slime mold for it to keep functioning. It will only work if you feed it with a mixture of water and oats, then only will it activate the watch's heart rate monitor feature.

The purpose of this creation was for scientists to study the relationship between humans and their gadgets. And in that experiment, they found that people actually do have an emotional bond with their gadgets.

5 of these prototypes were given to people to test out and apparently, some even felt guilty when they didn't feed it in time.

Well, the smartwatch is not available in the market as the scientists wanted to prove the importance of emotional attachment.

If they do sell it, would you actually buy it though? Do let us know!

Tamagotchi smartwatch water oats


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