Long-Awaiting That Promotion? Here Are 10 Soft-Skills Which Will Get You There ASAP



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Long-Awaiting That Promotion? Here Are 10 Soft-Skills Which Will Get You There ASAP

By ellephant

Having the right skills to get hired for a job is important, however, to continually thrive where you're at, you'll need more than that. 

We came across some soft-skills you should definitely be equipping yourself with, so that you get a promotion at the workplace. 

Without further ado, check out these 10 soft skills you should have, to go where you intend to. 


1. Communicate

Understand that communicating means knowing when to listen, and when to speak. Learn the art of mastering body language. 

2. Persuade

Know what others care about, and use that to move as well as motivate them. 


3. Negotiate

Listen attentively to what the other party wants, think things through and at the same time know what you're worth. Find the win-win in everything. 

4. Have empathy

Take the time to understand the struggles of another, and figure out what you can do to genuinely help. Do not judge and acknowledge their emotions. 


5. Be positive

There is no value to be had for someone who chases the negative. Be optimistic and always have a can-do attitude. 

6. Teamwork

Learn how to work in a team. Praise another, and collectively celebrate wins. 


7. Resolve conflict

Do not criticize, gossip, argue and accuse. Instead focus on solutions to problems. Be the bigger person, apologize and improve. 

8. Have emotional intelligence

Take a step back before reacting. Be wise enough to understand your emotions and thoughts. Think and then act. 


9. Practice time management

Be punctual, meet deadlines, prioritize, delegate and above all, know how to say 'no'.

10. Good work ethics

Be responsible and accountable for your work, always show up, add value and do your best to never deflect. 


promotion softskills work success career tips hacks


a writer of sorts



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