Attention Homeowners: You Will Have To Pay RM1k Fine If You Install Canopies In Front Of Your House Without Permit



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Attention Homeowners: You Will Have To Pay RM1k Fine If You Install Canopies In Front Of Your House Without Permit

By JustineG

Many people may not be aware that it is illegal to set up a canopy in front of your home on the roadside without obtaining a permit, whether it's for a joyous occasion or a solemn event.

According to reports, Khairul Amir, the Chairman of Taiping Municipal Council, reminded the public that starting today, anyone who wishes to set up a canopy in front of their house or on the roadside must apply to the municipal council to avoid violating regulations.

He pointed out that according to Section 46(1)(a) of the 1974 Road, Drainage and Building Act, setting up tents in the middle of the road, whether it's for weddings, funerals, banquets, or other purposes, is considered illegal as it obstructs traffic flow.

However, under the same Act, Section 46(4) provides some flexibility by allowing the setting up of tents, but it requires obtaining a permit from the local authority.

If the municipal council receives public complaints about unpermitted canopies obstructing the traffic, they have the authority to instruct the homeowners to remove the obstruction.

If the homeowners refuse to comply with the instructions, the municipal council can issue a maximum fine of RM500 under the charge of causing public nuisance. 

In case of repeated violations, the fine may be increased to RM1000. 

For those planning to set up a canopy in front of their homes in the near future, remember to apply to the municipal council and don't forget to share this article to raise awareness among more people!

malaysia viral news latest fine saman permit canopy


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