Year in and year out we're stuck with unachieved resolutions.
We plan and plan and plan, but most times, procrastination, laziness and life in general just gets in the way.
Discouraging as that may be, we're also big believers of hope. Hope that maybe this year, would be the year we finally succeed.
With that in mind, we are listing down the 12 most realistic goals one can have come 2022, so that by the end of it, we may just find ourselves saying 'omg i did it'.
1. Read
You can never go wrong with reading. No matter the material, keep in mind that there is never too much knowledge.
2. Do workouts which make you happy
Instead of forcing yourself to work your body tirelessly, do exercises which bring you joy. If you're enjoying yourself, it'll hardly feel like a workout, and you'll be more encouraged to keep it going all year long.
3. Eat healthy-er
Eating healthy is a challenge in itself. That being said, take baby steps to eating healthier. Even if you fail some days, remember that it's the effort put in, which counts.
4. Take up new hobbies
Be a sponge, and let yourself learn new things everyday. A language, an instrument, a skill. Being a jack of all trades is more attractive than you think.
5. Get enough sleep
You don't need to go to bed early, because let's admit it, that has never quite worked out for anybody. But do make it a point to get enough of sleep. A healthy body and a healthy mind should be the goal.
6. Write
Tedious yes, but also very reliable. It could be goals, lessons, things you're grateful for or even just a single things that don't make sense. Pen it down.
7. Help where you can
Random acts of kindness to those who need it can go a long way. Donate your time, energy and anything else you can afford, just to make the world an easier place.
8. Declutter
Whether it's material things, emotions, or people who no longer serve an actual purpose in your life, normalize clearing the unnecessary out. No junk 2022 let's go.
9. Care for mother Earth
Go green, say no to plastic, avoid wastage, recycle and care for mother Earth the way she cares for you.
10. Disconnect to connect
Social media is everything in this day and age. But attempt find balance between the virtual and the real.
11. Don't knock it till you've tried it
The unknown, or new things in general can be scary. However, you only live once, so when opportunity arises, say yes first and worry about everything else later.
12. Cook
Cooking actually brings more joy and peace than its given credit for. Try out a new recipe, or maybe try out your first recipe. You'll never know, you know?
Pretty easy resolutions, and probably even some you've attempted before.
However, there is no harm in having easier goals for the year 2022. We are after all, living in trying times, and at the end of the day, an achievement is an achievement period.