Missing the bar, the club the pub? Why not create your bar at home? You could be an amazing bartender by mixing some ingredients and enjoy a homemade Soju Mix at home! So read on to find out these 5 Soju mix ideas that will surely juice up your evening even staying at home with friends or family.
1. Somaek (Soju Bomb)
Ingredients needed:
1. 2 shots of soju
2. 1/2 glass of beer
Tips: Try mixing it with Korean beer for a better result. If not, could opt for any light lagers.
2. Cojinganmek
Ingredients needed:
1. 1/2 glass of beer
2. One shot of soju
3. 1/3 glass of Coke
Tips: this mix is a bit sweet so, for those who are not a fan of sweetness, you might want to try other mixes.
3. Energizer
Ingredients needed:
1. 2 shots of soju
2. 1/3 glass of Gatorade
3. 1/3 glass of Redbull
Tips: Another sweet mix.
4. Soju Yakult
Ingredients needed:
1. 1/2 glass of Yakult
2. 2 shots of soju
Tips: Can choose Vitagen as an alternative for Yakult.
5. Soju Coffee
Ingredients needed:
1. 2 shots of soju
2. 1/2 glass of coffee
Tips: You may opt for different coffee, such as Americano, Mocha, etc.
There you have it! Drink responsibly and stay at home!