5 Ideas For Homemade Soju Mix That Would Juice Up Your Homecation



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5 Ideas For Homemade Soju Mix That Would Juice Up Your Homecation

By joeeeenggg

Missing the bar, the club the pub? Why not create your bar at home? You could be an amazing bartender by mixing some ingredients and enjoy a homemade Soju Mix at home! So read on to find out these 5 Soju mix ideas that will surely juice up your evening even staying at home with friends or family.

1. Somaek (Soju Bomb)

Ingredients needed:

1. 2 shots of soju

2. 1/2 glass of beer

Tips: Try mixing it with Korean beer for a better result. If not, could opt for any light lagers.

2. Cojinganmek

Ingredients needed:

1. 1/2 glass of beer

2. One shot of soju

3. 1/3 glass of Coke

Tips: this mix is a bit sweet so, for those who are not a fan of sweetness, you might want to try other mixes.

3. Energizer

Ingredients needed:

1. 2 shots of soju

 2. 1/3 glass of Gatorade

3. 1/3 glass of Redbull

Tips: Another sweet mix.

4. Soju Yakult

Ingredients needed:

1. 1/2 glass of Yakult

2. 2 shots of soju

Tips: Can choose Vitagen as an alternative for Yakult.

5. Soju Coffee

Ingredients needed:

1. 2 shots of soju

2. 1/2 glass of coffee

Tips: You may opt for different coffee, such as Americano, Mocha, etc.

There you have it! Drink responsibly and stay at home!

DIY soju mix Ideas MCO


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