The rainy season is officially upon us. For those living close by to bodies of water like rivers or lakes, you know what this means, it’s flood season too.
Just to be on the safe side, here are a few steps that you have to take if your home gets flooded.
1. Do Not Panic
Most of you might think this s a useless point to add into the list but in reality, we all panic in emergency situations which is why we always need a reminder.
Before you start panicking and grabbing everything you can while at the same time trying to run out of the house, just take a deep breath and calm down. You still have time to properly organise what needs to be done next.
2. Turn Off All Electrical Mains and Plugs
When you realise that water is starting to rise in your home, do not panic. The first thing you have to take into consideration is your safety.
By switching off all the electrical mains or even any electrical plugs in the house, if the power suddenly turns back on and you’re standing in the water, you won’t get electrocuted.
3. Take All Important Documents
Once the mains are shut, quickly start getting your important documents and belongings.
If you live in a place where floods tend to happen often, then when the rainy season starts, take some extra precautions by keeping all your important documents in waterproof bags.
Then gather all these important stuff in one place of your house so that if it suddenly floods, you can just grab them quickly instead of spending precious time tracking down all the important stuff.
4. Evacuate the Premises
Gather all family members, kids, pets and everyone, then do a quick headcount to make sure that everyone is accounted for.
One that is done, stay in a group and move towards a dry and safe spot outside your home. Most of the time you will have to move to higher ground. Stay in a group and keep making sure that everyone is accounted for.
5. Call for help
Once everyone is safe on dry ground, quickly call for help and inform them about the location of the flood, your current location and if anyone need medical assistance.
Then, wait at your dry and safe location until help arrives.