COVID-19-The New Normal | What It Means To Us



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COVID-19-The New Normal | What It Means To Us

By TypoWithCrystalbelle

COVID-19 has been affecting humankind way more than anyone could have predicted. While many of us have finally stepped out of our house and started to go to work, buy groceries or engage in outdoor activities, we may wonder when will be the end of the crisis from time to time, and what will be the new normal after the outbreak COVID-19.

Here are the new normals that we have begun to experience in our daily life:  

Photo Source: Clément Falize

1. Behaviour Change and Social Distancing

Habits that we have practiced during this period are likely to stick around in the long run.

For example, washing our hands with soap frequently, using hand sanitizer more often, take a shower whenever we are back from outdoor, and wearing a face mask as a precaution. In addition, social distancing will continue as we queue up to buy foods, limiting the number of people dining in a restaurant, and avoiding large crowds in an area.

Our new ways of interacting with people- no handshakes or using video calls instead of meeting in person are likely to continue. Besides, some people have developed a habit of stocking some essentials, like food and water, at home just to be safe in case of another outbreak.  

Photo Source: Agnieszka Boeske

2. Work From Home

This pandemic is a large experiment for every company to practice work from home and to determine the efficiency of each worker.

In this period, the company has found unconventional ways to connect with its workers. It is also an opportunity for employees to prove that working in an office doesn’t guarantee productivity.

After the outbreak, employers who are convinced that their employees who work from home that delivers the same results and efficiency are likely to allow them to continue this practice as safety measures. Some company also has developed a rotating work schedule to minimize the number of workers in the office. Thus, companies are more flexible and dynamic in responding to the needs of employees.  

Photo Source: Matthew Kwong

3. Digital Migration

It is a fact that the virus is the catalyst for digital migration. The resistance to digital change in the old mindset of some people has been dismissed ever since we are held captive in the confinements of four walls of our home.

Video conferencing instead of meeting in a room has been way more common in our daily lives. The pandemic has forced organizations to innovate and launch their journey to the digital world in order to survive. Besides, the digital journey will likely continue even after this pandemic.  

Photo Source: John Schnobrich

4. Virtual Education

Online learning via Zoom or Google Classrooms has been going on for a month for almost every primary school, secondary school, university, or even kindergarten students!

It is a challenge but a new opportunity for the teacher to learn about online teaching- grading, delivery of content, interaction with students, and many more! While we know that it is impossible to replicate classroom experience via online learning, it is expected that we will see more virtual classrooms or virtual tuition centers after this period. 

The global pandemic has definitely changed the way we think about various aspects of life and work. It is unpredictable for the end of the outbreak, but we knew that it will definitely take a long time for every country to recover and for the people to go back to the previous lifestyle.

Until then, let's embrace the new normal together and look forward to a better future!

Cover Photo: Clément Falize || Sincerely Media

covid new normal work social distancing education life future behaviour digital workfromhome


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