Learning is overrated, it’s time to unlearn.



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Learning is overrated, it’s time to unlearn.

By Trissss

There are infinite things that we need to learn but we have only one brain. Ever since we have existed in this world, learning is one of the constant duty that we have to fulfil whether consciously or subconsciously. While things that we learned are definite and certain, there are things that we should unlearn to remove our unconscious bias. So, what are things that we should unlearn?

Respond instead of reacting.

We often reacting instead of responding. Reaction is something that could happen in a split second. The problem is if you didn't stop and process any information that you received, you would end up giving reaction for the sake of reacting. It might not be what you meant to say yet your subconscious took over of you and ended up saying things that you didn't mean to.

For example, your friend is acting extra sensitive today and he or she just gets angry with everything. Then, he or she said some insensitive things to you. Such as, you are making my life extremely difficult and I don't like to hang out with difficult people. 

You felt extremely offended of your friend's comment and shouted, 'you are not the easiest person as well!'. This is considered as a reaction, you reacted to what your friend said and got hostile immediately. So, how do we respond?

Be curious, but not furious.

If you could take an extra second to delay your reaction, start pondering why is he or she being so sensitive today? Then, you are being curious about his or her words. Doing this, you will start a different thinking mode than being furious on their hurtful words. 

For example, is he or she having a bad day? Was he or she sad because of something happened earlier? Does he or she need any help? This is nothing like them, they must be going through some difficult things in their life.

Now, you are curious about what have they went through to act like this. When you started to be curious, you became empathetic towards your friends. You switch your anger to empathy and care for them by asking them the right question to unravel their story behind. This can be used in many occasions, whenever you are in a stressful encounter with your boss, friends, family or friends. We need to unlearn the immediate reaction and relearn how to handle these situations.

Befriend with people who disagree with you

It may sound like a bizarre idea as the usual end goal is to find people who think similarly. Yet, I agree to disagree. We all should have some friends that disagree with us. That's because it is healthy for our brain to learn and train to receive all kinds of information. One of the perks of having friends disagree with you is to not be ignorant to people. Listen to different opinions could train us to think critically so that we are not easily biased. Also, we could unlearn our biased perception and relearn how to respect people who share a different opinion with us. 

Unlearning process is vital for every one of us. Unlearn the vices and relearn the meaningful and useful thing. Our brain is akin to IOS or Android system, occasionally we should update our brain system so that our life value can be updated. 

Learn, unlearn and relearn.

unlearn unlearning learning learn relearn bias unconscious prejudice stereotype


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