Waking up for suhoor during the fasting month can be a bit troubling for some. As for parents, most have to come up with different ways on getting their children ready at the dining table, snoozes and all.
This dad, however, took the cake for his rather alarming method. Instead of practicing the usual wake up call, he resorted to using an AIR CANNON to get the job done. In the video, he can be seen rubbing the cannon vigorously before aiming it towards the open air upstairs.
The results? Surely the kids ran down the stairs all fresh and awake!
Amused netizens couldn't help but chime in on his antics, with many saying this would also wake the whole neighbourhood for suhoor. One hilariously commented, modern times call for modern solutions.
Gosh, the things parents do. What was your suhoor experience?