Are you unknowingly destroying your laptop without you realizing it?
These mistakes may be common, but not everyone is aware of the ways that they are unconsciously shortening the lifespan of their laptop. Want to avoid these grave mistakes? Read on.
1. Overheating Your Laptop
Although processors are now more advanced than ever, your laptop will still face the risk of overheating. Like humans, laptops too can get "stressed".
How To Avoid:
Expel the internal heat by keeping the fan vent and any internal airways clear, or your laptop will inevitably be baked to death. In other words, get your laptop cleaned regularly.
2. Damaging The Hard Disk Drive
If you have an older generation laptop, your device probably still has a mechanical hard disk drive (HDD). Unlike a solid-state drive (SSD) or other flash storage, HDD is prone to damage if it gets messed around too much.
How To Avoid:
You can minimize the risk of damage by gently adjusting your laptop and keeping it still when running a program that frequently accesses the hard drive. No quick movements necessary.
3. Holding Your Laptop The Wrong Way
The quickest way to ruin a laptop: by picking it or holding it by the screen. There's a specific manner in which you should lift, hold and operate your laptop so you don't accidentally break it.
How To Avoid:
When closed, pick your laptop up by grabbing the front or rear of the device. At all times, it is advised to always pick it up with both hands.
4. Messing Up The Cords
Power cords cannot handle frequent twisting and bending, and this aspect is often overlooked by laptop users. Sometimes they're so concerned with keeping their laptop functioning well that they forget taking care of the cords is just as important.
How To Avoid:
Always bundle up your cords like the picture above and keep them tied up with velcro ties that usually come with the packaging, instead of twisting them with other objects.
5. Keeping Them In Improper Storage
Sure, you can any kind of laptop bags anywhere these days, but do they provide enough protection?
How To Avoid:
Opt for a padded sleeve, then put it in a laptop bag. This ensures maximum protection and you wouldn't need to worry about scratching your laptop's exterior whenever you keep it in the bag.
There's a lot of techniques and procedures when it comes to safekeeping a laptop, and no matter how premium yours is, it won't matter much if you don't equip yourself with the knowledge on how to maintain its life span. Hope these tips helped!