Earth Day 2021 - City Nature Challenge



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Earth Day 2021 - City Nature Challenge

By AshAsh Tan

In conjunction with Earth day on 22nd April 2021, IOI Properties Group is collaborating with environmental organisations who are the local organisers of this global initiative, namely Sekitar Kita, Water Warriors of Universiti Malaya and Iskandar Malaysia CNC to organise the IOIPG City Nature Challenge 2021.

What is City Nature Challenge?
The City Nature Challenge (CNC) is a global biodiversity initiative aimed at encouraging people to find, observe and document plants and wildlife in their cities through a bioblitz-style competition. In this competition, cities worldwide compete to make the most observations of urban plants and wildlife in the outdoors, using the iNaturalist app for the purpose of connecting people to nature and to generate scientifically valuable biodiversity data from such observations. 

Is it high risk to go outdoor during this time?
In view of this pandemic, the challenge will comprise of safe and family-friendly activities including virtual webinars, a digital toolkit sharing and a social media blitz. Participants are encouraged to contribute to citizen science by making observations at their own backyard and places near their homes.

Why should I join?
- Awareness on earth protection & biodiversity conservation
- Enjoy nature around you
- Becoming a citizen scientist
- Sign up now and stand a chance to win lucky draw prizes!!  Click here >>

EarthDay 22April CityNatureChallenge nature biodiversity Webinars luckydraw

AshAsh Tan

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